Early Childhood Programs
Did you know that children as young as six months old can greatly benefit from participating in a dance class?
Dance Theater of New England offers a wonderful way to enhance your little one's motor skill, flexibility, strength and musicality. Our classes encourage increased coordination, memory, creativity, kindness and empathy, confidence, self control, and focus. The list just goes on and on.
Dance Theater of New England's comprehenive Early Childhood and Pre-School dance programs are designed to take your dancer from highchair to tap shoes! Our programs educate, excite and encourage.
Join our cutting-edge Early Childhood program and grow up with us; you'll be delighted with what your child is learning! If you have questions about this program, or need class placement assistance for your child, please contact the studio.
Mommy & Me

In Africa there is an old saying "it takes a village to raise a child". At Dance Theater of New England, we know that you want the best for your little one, and a great education is a good start in the right direction. Especially if it includes the Arts!
With this in mind, we offer this free class as a community service. This is a gift from Dance Theater of New England to you and your child. Thank you for enrolling in Mommy & Me and letting us give something back to the "village" we love dearly. Dads are always welcome to join in the fun!
Class Time: 30 minutes
Tuition: Free
Terrific Twos
AGES 2 - 3

It is fabulous to be 2 years old! Two-year-olds are full of enthusiasm, exploration, and a growing independence. At this age, they learn to play with other children and will build with blocks. Our Terrific Twos dance class will embrace your child's need for independence while making the best of their developmental bench marks, with dances that hop, jump, run, and show emotion. Dancers will learn to use ribbons, scarves and balls to create dances together and on their own.
Basic ballet terminology will be introduced as dancers embark on a special dance adventure weekly. This class is 30 minutes in duration.
Class Time: 30 minutes
Creative Movement
AGES 3 - 4

Creative Movement is an entry-level class designed especially for preschoolers to introduce basic classroom concepts in a fun and warm way. To achieve this end, we use Royal Academy of Dancing (RAD) Preschool Curriculum when instructing young dancers.
While in class, students use music, manipulatives, props, and simple movement activities to develop gross motor skills, musical awareness, as well as social and listening skills. No experience is required.
Class Time: 60 minutes
Pre-Primary Dance
AGES 4 - 5

Pre-Primary Dance is Level 2 of our preschool dance education division. This is an entry-level class and no prior dance experience is required.
The class becomes more structured while maintaining a warm, open atmosphere. Gross motor skills continue to be taught, and fine motor skills are introduced. Locomotor and non-locomotor movement is explored through RAD syllabus and tap dance skills. Students begin to learn such important concepts as placement and sequencing through ethnic and folk dance models. There is plenty of opportunity for self-expression.
Offered as a combination Tap class.
Class Time: 60 minutes
Primary Dance
AGES 5 - 6

Primary Dance is Level 3 of our preschool dance education division. This is an entry-level class and no prior dance experience is required.
We begin to prepare young students for the physical requirements of the trained dancer. Gross and fine motor skills continue to be introduced and combined. Placement, locomotor and non-locomotor skills are re-enforced through a classical dance model superimposed on various dance styles such as Ballet, Folk and Theater dance.
Offered as a single subject or combination Tap class.
Class Time: 60 minutes